Tag Archives: Social media


Tarana Burke, wearing a ‘me too’ T-shirt, addresses the March to End Rape Culture in Philadelphia in 2014.

I haven’t posted to social media with a personal #MeToo message before now because I didn’t really see the point. I mean, c’mon! Is it still not obvious to everyone that women everywhere are routinely harassed and assaulted?

No? Really? Okay, let’s simplify things and not even talk about women… let’s just talk about girls.

Here are a few things I experienced before I even reached puberty:

  • A classmate jammed his hand under my skirt, past my panties and into my vagina.
  • I was scared to answer the phone because I received obscene calls a few times a week from an unknown male, who knew my name and what I had worn to school that day.
  • A stranger flashed me and offered me money if I would touch his penis.
  • I was regularly catcalled by adult men because my walk home from school was past the new construction sites in our subdivision.  

Let me reiterate… these things (and more) all happened before I even started to grow breasts. And I’m not an anomaly. This study looked at the average age women received their first catcalls.

(Hollaback!/ILR school at Cornell University 2015)

I can’t even begin to list the many and varied ways I’ve been violated since the elementary school years and into womanhood… comments that made me uncomfortable, kisses I didn’t want, gropes that were too intimate.

Of course, women aren’t the only victims of harassment and assault. But the fact is, as a group, we are more vulnerable. Out of necessity, as we grow into our bodies as women, we condition ourselves to be “thicker skinned” and we learn how to take extra precautions to protect ourselves. We learn to ignore the lewd comments, to hold our keys between our knuckles when we walk alone at night, to meet our first dates at busy coffee shops, and to check the back seats of our cars before we get in.

Margaret Atwood writes that when she asked a male friend why men feel threatened by women, he answered, “They are afraid women will laugh at them.” When she asked a group of women why they feel threatened by men, they said, “We’re afraid of being killed.”

All this is to say, I’m simply baffled that people still seem to be surprised by the prevalence of harassment and assault against women that this most recent social media trend has spotlighted. But, even though I know I’m just another drop in the bucket, here goes… 


After Freshly Pressed…

Image: Tim Krochak

Image: Tim Krochak

Hurricanes are usually downgraded to tropical storms by the time they reach Nova Scotia, but in 2003 a category 2 hurricane hit us square on. Hurricane Juan at was peak intensity for 24 hours and Halifax was heavily damaged. (Not Hurricane Katrina kind of damaged, more like Hurricane Sandy damage.)

The morning after, Haligonians crept out of their homes to find trees down, cars smashed, and silence…

An eerie quiet had settled over the city. There was no power, roads were closed and only the Tim Hortons at the hospital was open. People wandered the streets pointing out damage, whispering sympathy and discretely taking pictures.

It was the literal embodiment of the proverb, “There is always calm after a storm.”

I have received more hits in the last two days than I ever have in an entire month. My “likes” and “follows” have skyrocketed and my comments are spilling onto multiple pages.

I’m now a little worried about the calm that will settle on this blog after the Freshly Pressed storm has dissipated.

I’m not being negative.

I’m ecstatic to have been selected and honestly never dreamed it would happen. I’m especially thrilled that it was this post that made the grade. I have received a tidal wave of support and I hope that one or two people may even have read something that has helped them.

I’m just a little confused where things go from here.

I’d really like for some of you stick around. I know it was my depression that got you here but I really am so much more than that. I’m also weird lists of 11 things, sappy nostalgia, and snippets of my family’s lunacy.

I’ve heard of the phenomenon where good blogs have shrivelled and died after the Freshly Pressed dust has settled. That the pressure of follow-up was just too much and bloggers have fled in panic.

While I admit I have no idea what to post next, this is really no different from my usual process. Hopefully one of the boys will crap his pants in a funny way and I’ll write about that.

See you then!

My God, you’re sexy!


I’m getting a little ahead of myself, perhaps this should be more of an Easter post. I mean, it’s still before Christmas, Jesus hasn’t even been born. However, the sign down the street keeps telling me “Jesus is the reason for the season!” so I’m going to take liberties and skip ahead to grown-up Jesus. (Not my best logic.) Continue reading

Fact or Friction


As you should know by now, I hate to shop. In particular, I hate to shop at stores that make me uncomfortable. I have only been into our local Lululemon store once but it was enough. I stopped in looking for some comfortable post-partum clothes and, within minutes of walking in, I felt like Vivian the prostitute from Pretty Woman when she went shopping on Rodeo Drive.

Continue reading

Six months

calendar pages

Holy crap! It’s been over six months since my first post. Wowza!

Looking back over the 106 posts, I can see the evolution in my site and I’m proud of its growth… have you gone and looked back over my 106 posts? (That would be really great for my stats!)

Growth in the number of views and followers, of course, but also in my content and style. It has become more personal and I can hear “my voice” more clearly. I planned to keep you all at arm’s length, but as I wrote and you commented, I couldn’t hold you back.

So, thank you! Thank you readers for reading and thank you commenters for commenting (you know I love you.)

I have tried to keep things light and witty but life can sometimes make that hard. As fun as it would be, my life isn’t all Scooby-Doo and Fantasy Island, it’s also the diseases I work with and my own personal struggles. So, thank you for sticking with me, no matter what the topic, and especially for sharing your own stories during the serious times.

I expected to have a lot of support from my family and friends because I have great family and friends. But I have been deeply affected by the amount of support I have received from complete strangers. You have rocked my world!

By its very nature, this blog is a work in progress. It will continue to mature as I become more confident in my writing, but it will also grow because of you. I now write knowing you are out there. I want you to read my posts and be happy you gave me that time. I’m thrilled to be giving you mine.

Here’s to the next six months!

Dear reader, do you have any suggestions for me?

Dear God! What is that thing?

This is a Sphynx kitten.

Thanks to Geoff at pretty awful things for bring it to my attention this morning. Now I can’t stop thinking about it.

He’s kinda cute in a helpless-baby-animal sort of way, but he’s also slightly hideous in a brain-carved-into-the-shape-of-a-cat sort of way. I’m feeling very conflicted.

This picture has totally got me wondering if all kitten skin is like this but they are covered with so much fur we can’t tell. It’s like they have all of their skin at birth but need to grow into it. Can you imagine if we were born this way? That would be a lot of extra skin to be carting around…

prettyawfulthings is definitely worth a follow. Geoff posts about strange and odd and pretty and awful things. Recent post have featured incredible art made from table salt, Roman nanotechnology, a sheep herding bunny, and a bicycle powered treehouse elevator. All incredibly amazing and new to me.

Please excuse me now, I’ve got to go find a furry kitten to shave.

Seriously, do you think all kittens have this much skin under their fur?

Awwww… you guys!

If you are not overly familiar with blogging, you might not understand the sense of community that can develop. I have been very fortunate to find some amazing writers to follow and, in turn, some amazing writers have followed me.

Over the past few months, I’ve been honoured with some kudos but it has taken me a while to feel confident enough in my blog to have the audacity to formally accept them. I don’t need to receive awards (I’m just happy you are reading) but it sure does feel nice!

Please take the time to click on the links of those who have passed on the awards. Each and every one of them is worth it!

(I’ve also set this post up to be one of my permanent pages so that their links will always be readily available.)

The Amazing World of Science – Tilly writes incredible articles that are easy to understand and are always interesting. She appeals to my inner wondering child and my grown-up scientist reality. Thanks for the Shine On award, Tilly.


Whimsical Eclecticist – EJ is inspired by whimsy and eclecticism (hence the name). And he’s Australian… does it get any better than that? He often makes me laugh and always makes me think. Over that past few months, EJ has awarded me The Versatile Blogger award and the WordPress Family award. I’m overwhelmed!

versatilebloggeraward      wordpressfamilyaward

the mmmmm family –  Michaela is a  mother to three children aged 5 and under. She is the caregiver to her husband who is relearning to walk after traumatic spinal surgery. As if that wasn’t enough, she is also profoundly deaf. Michaela always makes me smile with her unending positivity that is firmly grounded in reality. She has passed FOUR awards my way;  wow, I’m speechless.

wordpressfamilyaward     semperfid-award     reader-app-award  liebster-award

Thanks guys! I feel very proud to have you all in my corner… now I feel all warm and fuzzy.

(A couple of these awards come along with some personal questions, etc. I’m saving those for a future post.)

Why Escaping Elegance?



Pronunciation: /ˈɛlɪg(ə)ns/

The quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.

After I explained my header images and how they signify my ideal life, my beautifully dressed neighbour asked me to also clarify my moniker, Escaping Elegance… Continue reading

Why It’s Awesome To Be A Nerd

I saw this video today and planned to share it with you all but my fellow blogger DORKDADDY beat me to it. His post is spot on? Hey DORK! You big nerd… thanks for saving me the work!


letter At a recent convention, child actor and well-credentialed nerd ambassador Will Wheaton sat on a panel attended by conventioneers. During the question-and-answer period one convention-goer (with a video camera) told Mr. Wheaton about her recently born daughter and asked him to describe for her daughter what was awesome about being a nerd.

The answer Mr. Wheaton gave was profound. In my opinion it was dead-on and touched the very zeitgeist of the feeling I try to get across in this blog. No matter what it is you love: Dr. Who, classical composers, Star Wars, architecture, animation, parenting… it’s all about loving those things as much as you can, and finding other people who love those same things as much as you do.

The convention-goer put the video up on YouTube and it is currently making the viral-rounds in nerd-circles (which I thoroughly travel). Of course you can just watch the…

View original post 757 more words

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I love following funny people on Twitter.

This is an old one but too funny not to share…


Thanks to @longwall26, @Chapinc, @donni, and @rzarosco!

Anyone have suggestions for more funny twitterers I should be following?