Tag Archives: gratitude

Funny things my kids say #27


We’ve just come home from the 12-year-old’s elementary school closing ceremony. This was a significant event for ET and his friends, not only because they’re “graduating” from Grade 6, but because they’ll be splitting up into two different junior high schools after seven years together.

Throughout the year, his awesome teacher had their class keep gratitude journals and I was excited to read ET’s when it came home today. While the majority of his entries were repetitive and inspired by a lack of homework, riding his bike to school, or arrival of a weekend, there were also a few that begged to be shared.

Here, in a category mash-up of “Lists” and “Funny things my kids say” are the best of the best (without dates, but still in chronological order):

11 things my kid felt grateful for this year

1) Not stepping in dog poop

2) Women’s rights

3) Elvis being mentioned in the book he was reading

4) Staying at his grandparents for the weekend

5) A friend giving him a slice of pizza

6) ELVIS! (It was Halloween and he was Elvis)

7) Getting to read to the littles (Primary/Grade 1 students)

8) Stop, Drop, and Read

9) Listening to Elvis

10) Writing poems

11) Being in Mme. Chiasson’s class (This was today’s, the last day of school)

Sigh… my baby is growing up!

When I was a boy, I always saw myself as a hero in comic books and in movies. I grew up believing this dream. – Elvis Presley

Previous: Funny things my kids say #26